Research Pool & Participants
University of California Alianza MX Project
Water Resources Management in Agriculture, and Ecosystems to Improve Climate-Extreme Resilience in Mexico and the USA
Climate-related extremes characterized by higher temperatures and whiplash precipitation have been noted globally, compromising the reliability of water resources to serve agriculture, ecosystems, and population. Increased frequency and intensity of such hydrologic extremes has impacted both water infrastructure and access to usable water in California and many regions in Mexico alike.
The project “Water Resources Management in Agriculture and Ecosystems to Improve Climate Extreme Resilience in Mexico and the United States” aims to join efforts from academic, governmental and industry stakeholders to work collaboratively in four thematic areas to advance climate resilience namely: Climate Data Science, Integrated Water Resources Management, Groundwater Sustainability and Resilient Communities. Major project outcomes include student and research staff research infrastructure skill development, faculty and research staff academic exchange, refereed journal articles, research reports and policy briefs.
Fall 2022 Workshop - Casa California
Fall 2023 Workshop - Casa California
A second Workshop of the UC Alianza MX – UC project “Water Management to Increase Climate Resilience in Mexico and the United States” was held on October 19 and 20 in Casa California, Mexico city. 40 attendees in person and virtually from the academy, governmental, industry and non-profit entities contributed to a highly productive discussion on water resources around our four core research areas: Resilient communities, Climate Data Science, Groundwater Sustainability, and Integrated Water Management. The event was organized by the UC Alianza MX staff and UC Merced Water systems management Lab.
The participants provided updates of on-going research endeavors and academic exchange experiences carried out during the last year. The original four concept thrusts mentioned above were discussed through individual presentations during the technical sessions and group brainstorming took place during the working sessions. Networking dinners were provided where it was once again expressed the enthusiasm and collaborative spirit of the group.
Name | Position | Affiliation |
David Bronzwaig | Green Finance Coordinator | WRI México (World Resources Institute) |
Aldo Ramírez Orozco | Professor and Researcher | Tec de Monterrey |
Ángeles Suhgey Garay Jacome | PhD Candidate | Universidad Autonoma de Chapingo |
Carlos Patiño | Professor and Researcher | UDLAP (Universidad de las Americas Puebla) |
Dante Hernández Padrón | NaN | CONAGUA |
Francisco Flores-Lopez | Water Resources Engineer | California DWR (Department of Water Resources) |
Jeanette Cobian | Professor and Researcher | UC Merced |
Jessica Hernández | Studies and Project Manager/Financial Management Advisor | WRI México |
Jorge Andrés Morande | Academic and Research Coordinator | UC Merced |
Laura Ponce | Postdoc | Ecosur, Chiapas |
Leopoldo Mendoza Espinosa | Professor and Researcher | Universidad Autonoma de Baja California-Ensenada |
Marina Mautner | Scientist | SEI (Stockolm Environmental Institute) |
Ramón Valdivia Alcalá | Professor and Researcher | UA Chapingo |
Silvia Chavez Cereceda | Manager for International Cooperation | CONAGUA – |
Anne Hansen | Professor and Researcher | IMTA |
Benjamín Jiménez Almaraz | NaN | CONAGUA – Subgerente de Cooperacion Internacional |
David Eduardo Guevara Polo | PhD Candidate | UDLAP |
Graciela Herrera | Professor and Researcher | UNAM |
Guillermo Gutiérrez Gómez | Chief International Cooperation Project | CONAGUA |
Guillermo Pérez Luna | Chief Hydrologic Simulation Project | CONAGUA |
Jail Ixel Cruz García | Sustainable Development Lead | Alianza MX |
Josué Medellín-Azuara | Principal Investigator | UC Merced |
Karen Lucero Cruz Herrera | PhD Candidate | UA Chapingo |
Manuel Rafael Rosales González | Assistant Manager | CONAGUA – Subgerente |
Mario Alberto Hernández Hernández | Project Scientist | UNAM |
Norma Gopar | NaN | Universidad del Mar – Oaxaca |
Ramiro Barrios Castrejón | NaN | SEMARNAT |
René Lobato Sánchez | Water Technologist “B” Holder | IMTA |
Yasmin Salazar | NaN | Alianza MX |
Samuel Sandoval | Professor and Researcher | UC Davis |
Products and Deliverables
Sustainable Groundwater
Below Basin Water Table Monitoring of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR)
Assessing Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) Using Temperature Pulse Monitoring
Case Studies
Policy Briefs
(Policy Briefs)
Academic Institutions
University of California, Merced
Dr. Josué Medellín-Azuara
Associate Professor, Associate Director UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences
Agriculture & Water Management
University of California, Davis
University of California, Riverside
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Dr. Yosune Miquelajauregui
Professor and Researcher
Systems Analysis & Fire Ecology

Dr. Alejandro Jaramillo
Professor and Researcher
Kevin Manuel Galvan-Lara
PhD Student
D’Angelo Sandoval
PhD Student

Dr. Mario Alberto Hernandez Hernandez
Project Scientist
Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo

Karen Lucero Cruz Herrera
PhD Candidate
Agriculture & Economics

Ángeles Suhgey Garay Jácome
PhD Student in Agricultural Economics
Agriculture & Economics
Juan Hernandez
Agriculture & Economics
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ensenada
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur
Dr. Maria Z. Flores
Professor and Researcher
Jobst Hurst
Mabilia Urquidi–Gaumem
PhD Student
Universidad de las Americas Puebla
Universidad del Mar – Oaxaca
Tecnológico de Monterrey
Sergio Ortiz Valdez
International Affairs, San Jose, CA Office
Ecosur, Chiapas
Non-Profit Organizations
Environmental Defense Fund
Marianna Rivera-Torres
Manager, Climate Resilient Water Systems
Climate & Water