Congratulations to P.h.D graduate Liying!

Congratulations to P.h.D graduate Liying Li! The WSM Lab congratulates our member Liying Li on graduating at UC Merced. Her dissertaion title is, “Integrated agricultural and land use management for conserving water, carbon, and avian biodiversity under climate...

Welcome UC Alianza MX Summer 2024 Exchange Students! 

Credit: UC Merced We would like to extend a great welcome and introduction to two new students in the Water Systsems Management Lab for the duration of the 2024 Summer. We are very excited to host Luis Angel Acosta-Chavez from the Universidad Michoacana in Morelia,...

UNAM Postdoc Mario Hernandez visit UC Merced

Credit: Mario Hernandez Dr Hernandez’s was hosted by the Water Systems Management Lab at UC Merced from May 6th to 23rd  2024 as part of the Academic exchange of UC Alianza MX project. During his stay, Dr Hernandez worked primarily with Dr Medellin and Dr Tom...

In Memory of Carlos Patiño Gomez

In Memory of Carlos Patiño Gómez We want to express our deepest regret and condolences for the passing of our friend and collaborator,distinguished academic and professional in Civil Engineering Dr. Carlos Patiño Gómez, Ph.D. With over30 years of experience, Dr....