In Memory of Carlos Patiño Gómez

We want to express our deepest regret and condolences for the passing of our friend and collaborator,
distinguished academic and professional in Civil Engineering Dr. Carlos Patiño Gómez, Ph.D. With over
30 years of experience, Dr. Patiño Gómez contributed enormously to comprehensive water resource
management, and his expertise earned him teaching roles for various academic institutions, including the
Higher School of Engineering and Architecture of the National Polytechnic Institute, the National
Autonomous University of Mexico, the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos, and Universidad
de las Americas Puebla. He was leading the Climate Research group as part of our Alianza UC-Mexico
collaboration at the time of his departure, and his commitment and zest to the project will not be
forgotten. He will be highlighted by and remembered for his outstanding professional contributions, but
also, and especially, for his charisma, passion, enthusiasm, and kindness at both an academical and
personal level. The Water Systems Management Lab offers this message so that the wonderful memory
and efforts of our friend, Dr. Carlos Patiño Gómez, may live on.