SWF Secure Water Future

SWF Secure Water Future Categories: Secure Water Future is a collaborative of investigators from across the semi-arid western US aiming to improve agricultural and environmental water resilience. To achieve climate change adaptation in western agriculture and...

MLRP – Multibenefit Land Repurposing Program

MLRP – Multibenefit Land Repurposing Program Categories: The Multibenefit Land Repurposing Program (MLRP) increases regional capacity for repurposing irrigated agricultural land to uses that reduce reliance on groundwater while providing community health,...

Just Transitions

Just Transitions Categories: Just Transitions aims to raise awareness of the tradeoffs involved in managing the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta amid future droughts and rising sea levels. The project will facilitate community engagement through public dialogue to...


MRPI Categories: Funded in 2021 by the University of California Office of the President Multi-Campus Research Program Initiative, the Labor and Automation in California Agriculture (LACA) assembles interdisciplinary researchers to solve food system resilience and...

NSF Dubois

NSF Dubois Categories: Irrigated agricultural production is likely to adapt to climate change and water uncertainty in unprecedented ways, especially within the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (the Delta) which also hosts a fragile ecosystem. This work provides a...