Lafrance Daniels III
Undergraduate Research Assistant
LaFrance is an undergraduate student currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, Merced. He is expected to graduate in the Spring of 2022. He joined the Water System Management Lab as a research assistant for the summer of 2021. His primary objectives include data collection and general lab assistance. He is pleased that he can utilize what he has learned in his computing classes, to help in the Lab.
LaFrance has interests in environmental preservation, water conservation, and the preservation of global and local ecosystems. Being a part of the Water Lab will give him another opportunity to learn about water, and its importance, in the Central Valley. Perhaps it will motivate him into more passionate “eco-friendly” projects. LaFrance hopes to also leave a mark in the Lab through the work he hopes to do, this may range from helping with a website or utilizing a dataset to create a new model.
LaFrance has ambitions to one day join the United States Marine Corps as an Officer. Although his interests range from the cybersecurity and administrative fields, he knows that he’d like an occupation within the Marine Corps that utilizes his Computing background. The sky’s the absolute limit when it comes to goals with LaFrance, he embraces that life is in fact very spontaneous and may change with a moment’s notice, and strives to be the best he can be. LaFrance loves to travel and brings his friends along whenever he has the time, being a social and respectful person is all he is about. Making memories that will last a lifetime is one of his main priorities in life.