Picture of Lab Member Alex Guzman

Chantelise Pells, PhD


Research Collaborator

Chantelise Pells’ work focuses on community-based environmental resource governance, water governance and socio-environmental sustainability. Her current research looks at the climate change impacts on vulnerable rural communities. Chantelise’s dissertation research is a case study of participation dynamics of the local groundwater user association in Northern Baja California, Mexico. Her work specifically focuses on multi-scale power relations impacting local governance and the related socio-environmental effccts.


She also works to broaden understanding of human induced environmental problems and to work towards building collaborative and just solutions. She has experience teaching higher education courses that focus on socio-environmental sustainability, environmental policy and design and human geography.


Chantelise holds a PhD and MA in Geography from the University of California, Davis and a BA in Geography from the University of California, Berkeley.