The above picture is from the DDRPP website.

DDRPP-Delta Drought Response Pilot Program

4 月 26, 2024

Categories: Collaborative

The Delta Drought Response Pilot Program (DDRPP) provides farmers with financial incentives to reduce their water use and protect wildlife and water quality in the Delta. DWR allocated $8 million for grants for the first round of the program, which allowed more than 8,700 acres to be enrolled. With more funding allocated in the budget act of 2022, the program launched a second phase with an additional $10.8 million in grant funding for 2023, with 16,116 acres enrolled in water-saving practices and 6,400 acres enrolled in bird benefit practices. 

The main goals of DDRPP are: 

  1. Conserve water on a net basis during water year 2023 
  1. Protect Delta water quality by providing an added buffer against salinity intrusion 
  1. Promote soil health 
  1. Mitigate potential drought impacts on fish and migratory birds