Picture of Lab Member Alex Guzman

Ulises Yepiz Yepez

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Alexander Guzman is a researcher in the Water Systems Management lab at University of California Merced. He holds a B.S. in Earth Science from University of California, Santa Barbara. Alex was introduced to UC Merced as a part of the UC Water Academy class of 2018. Alex provides management for most of the WSMLab’s ongoing projects as well as data curation and management for OpenAg projects in the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta and in the Washington State Area. He also doubles as a social scientist having spent several pre-pandemic months touring the Southern Central Valley to interview community leaders in about regional quality of life topics such as air pollution, water quality and access to necessities. Alongside Dr. Fernandez Bou and others, several papers and projects have come from this work (link to guide).